Trustworthy Maps
They tell us we’re free,
A tempting cult, indeed.
If you don’t get everything you want,
Stop, change course, you will get it
On another if you just take charge.
A man who lost his map
(it actually never occurred to him
that he needed one, so great
was his faith in naturally
following his good instincts)
while hiking in the mountains
and chose one leading to
death-defying precipices and bridgeless chasms,
so around he turned,
went back to the fork,
the other path he took,
which led to the same risks and horrors.
Romantic to go mapless, but liberating?
Secure to go mapful, but boring?
Disquieting to make new maps, but wise?
Someone said that the flea markets
And thrift stores are full of old maps,
For new ones must always be made,If people are to learn from the mistakes of
To say nothing of becoming them.
Labels: life, third-rate poetry, WTF?
Labels: culture, expectations, future, love, socialization, trust, WTF?
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